Workshop by Dr. Larry Goodamn NET Practioner & more

Transform One Trauma, Ignite Your Journey

Ever feel like your past is a heavy anchor, dragging you down?

What if I told you, for just $7, you could cut those chains and embark on a transformative journey?

The Survivor's Guide To Conquering Trauma is your ticket to breaking free from the pain of the past.

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Trace your trauma triggers to their source.

Conquer the demons of past wounds.

Embrace healing and reclaim control.

Conquer the demons of past wounds.

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100% Risk Free!

If you're not in love with this new technique, we'll refund your entire order.

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No Risk Guarantee!

If you're not in love with this new technique, we'll refund your entire order.

Even before the workshop, I was aware of some of my triggers. However, after a deep dive and applying Dr. Goodman's techniques, I was astonished at how quickly and neutrally I began to feel about a specific trauma that had controlled me for so long. The transformation was remarkable.

Antonio Martin

What Our Customers Say

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Even before the workshop, I was aware of some of my triggers. However, after a deep dive and applying Dr. Goodman's techniques, I was astonished at how quickly and neutrally I began to feel about a specific trauma that had controlled me for so long. The transformation was remarkable.

Antonio Martin


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